Physical Therapy services for all back, neck, shoulder, knee, ankle, hip, elbow/wrist/hand injuries and post-surgical rehabilitation.
Aquatic Physical Therapy, which allows a patient to initiate early joint movement and strengthening while unloading the spine and peripheral joints.
Consultation Services for the development of preventative programs by identifying factors which may predispose an individual or athlete to musculoskeletal dysfunction and/or injury.
Sports Physical Therapy incorporating sport-specific skills to allow an athlete to regain the strength, flexibility, stability, and endurance required to return to the desired sport or activity. Our therapists work with athletes at any level ranging from recreational to Olympic caliber athletes.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program combining education, functional retraining, and endurance/strength training for individuals with emphysema, COPD and other pulmonary dysfunctions.
General Conditioning Program for severely deconditioned patients.
Fall Prevention Program a six week program consisting of a medically directed and 100% supervised therapeutic exercise program.
ACL Injury Prevention Program – Think Physical Therapy offers two programs aimed at preventing ACL injuries in female athletes.
Team instruction in basic principles of prevention program.
Six week comprehensive program consisting of technique analysis and instruction, plyometric training, strength training, and flexibility training. This program will be offered at our facility with the guidance and supervision of a physical therapist.